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Poor Mans FPS

Fight your friends (or enemies) in a multiplayer class based battlefield! · By djgaven588


Recent updates

A long long time ago...
On a computer far far away... Poor Mans FPS was risen from the depths of a hard drive. Poor Mans FPS is coming back, and is coming back strong! Poor Mans FPS ha...
So, silence again?
Yes I know, talk alot, leave for a long time. I have proper reason for that. I don't have much to tell you. Poor Mans FPS is now a low priority for me and will...
So, updates?
I am going to be quite honest, I haven't worked on Poor Mans FPS in a month. But, I do have some things to say that are changing since my last post. So, new ser...
Fixes, changes, and questions.
This is something that I think I really need to say, because the people that play the game need to know these things. So, what exactly is happening? Fixes - Alt...
2.0.4 WIP
So, after implementing the lobby system, I found a bug. You couldn't play the game if you couldn't click quick play before you finished connecting to the main s...
Discord, and version 2.0.3
Hello everyone! Today I am proud to announce that 2.0.3 has been released. I released it a bit early as only 2/5 abilities are added in at the moment, but I wan...
Ok, I forgot to tell you...
Ok... I forgot about until a few moments ago. And I realized that I haven't touched this page in a month.. And I apologies for this. The last version I...

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